Available Response Filters

Filters are added to the url as a query parameter.

Filter Name Description Example
ObjectidAutonumber field (EDDMapS Record ID)objectId=1520035
reporterId,bugwoodidid of the account that entered the occurrencereporterId=65
updaterIdid of the account that updated the occurrenceupdaterId=5
SubjectNumber,taxonidObservation species Subject numbersubjectNumber=2425
HabitatArea where the subject was locatedhabitat=5
fips,fipscode,countyfipscomma delimited list of fipscodes must be 5 digits longfips=13001,13002
countryLimit data returned to only records belonging to a certain country country=926
stateThe state portion of the FIPS Codestate = 13
countyThe county portion of the FIPS Codecounty=59
townshipLimit data returned to only records belonging to a certain township township=04720
projectIdentifies the website reporting form used or bulk data.project=3
catcategory(mammals,birds,aquatic plants,)cat=47,48,3
observationDateEndthe latest Date the subject was observed observationdateend=mm/dd/yyyy
observationDateStartthe Earliest Date the subject was observed observationdatestart=mm/dd/yyyy
dateEnteredEndthe latest Date a record was entered into the database dateenteredend=mm/dd/yyyy
dateEnteredStartthe Earliest Date a record was entered into the database dateEnteredStart=mm/dd/yyyy
dateUpdatedEndthe latest Date a record was updated in the database dateupdatedend=mm/dd/yyyy
dateUpdatedStartthe Earliest Date a record was updated in the database dateupdatedstart=mm/dd/yyyy
dateReviewedEndthe latest Date a record was reviewed in the database dateReviewedEnd=mm/dd/yyyy
dateReviewedStartthe Earliest Date a record was reviewed in the database dateReviewedStart=mm/dd/yyyy
usergroupidLimit data returned to records from users belonging to a certain usergroup usergroupid=1
habitatLimit data returned to only records belonging to a certain habitat habitat=1
negativeLimit data returned to only positive(0) or negative(1) records negative=0
reviewedLimit data returned to only reviewed(1) or nonreviewed(0) records reviewed=0
spatiallimit to only spatial(1) or non spatial (0) dataspatial=1

Excluding data

Data can be excluded from the results by a query parameter neq. All filters above work with the neq query parameter. The format for use is neq=key:value,key:value.