
Get Author

  • GET /author.json will return all authors in an array

Author is select2 friendly and will accept the url parameters of Page,System,Term,Id.

when system is supplied a extra key is added to each item called "count" which is the count of items that system refers to.

    "total": 73662,
    "items": [
            "id": 63298,
            "text": "z, wj"
            "id": 22299,
            "text": "z, Mary"
            "id": 23349,
            "text": "Z, John"
            "id": 58004,
            "text": "z, Aaron"
            "id": 14112,
            "text": "z, zylot"
            "id": 90567,
            "text": "Z, Jason"
            "id": 67323,
            "text": "Z, Sophie"
            "id": 60037,
            "text": "z, zyhlzq"
            "id": 1529,
            "text": "Z, Janusz"
            "id": 4650,
            "text": "Z, Susan"