
Get Division

  • GET /division.json will return all divisions and their child categories in an array

division is select2 friendly the response has been modified from default select two responses to handle having a parent/child relationship allowing both to be selectable.For the curious we have a working example Here.this will accept the url parameters of Page,System,Term,Id.There is one more uncommon paramater child used in coordination with with id mainly to denote if the supplied id is for the parent or child elements.

when the system url key is supplied a extra key is added to each item called "count" which is the count of items that system refers to.

    "total": 244,
    "items": [
            "id": 1,
            "text": "Insects",
            "children": [
                    "id": 72,
                    "text": "Rasping insects"
                    "id": 71,
                    "text": "*Weevils"
                    "id": 105,
                    "text": "Vertebrate Disease Vectors"
                    "id": 113,
                    "text": "Blood Feeding Insects - Sanguinivorous"
                    "id": 114,
                    "text": "Dung Feeding Insects - Coprophagus"
                    "id": 119,
                    "text": "Honeydew Feeders"
                    "id": 120,
                    "text": "Grain Feeding Insects - Granivorous"
                    "id": 121,
                    "text": "Omnivorous Foragers"
                    "id": 138,
                    "text": "Casebearers, leafrollers and bagworms"
                    "id": 195,
                    "text": "Xylophagus"
                    "id": 197,
                    "text": "Kleptoparasite"
                    "id": 198,
                    "text": "Microphagous"
                    "id": 273,
                    "text": "Decaying Plant Debris Feeders"
                    "id": 274,
                    "text": "Decaying Wood Insects"
            "id": 2,
            "text": "Diseases",
            "children": [
                    "id": 63,
                    "text": "Diseases of Insects"
                    "id": 60,
                    "text": "Misc. Fungi"
                    "id": 16,
                    "text": "Foliage Diseases"
                    "id": 13,
                    "text": "Vascular Wilts"
                    "id": 42,
                    "text": "Stem and Leaf Rusts"
                    "id": 41,
                    "text": "Stem Decays and Cankers"
                    "id": 35,
                    "text": "Root and Butt / Root and Stem Diseases"